
[船はあの丘に登った/A Ship Went Up That Hill]

オーフス現代美術館、デンマーク Kunsthal Aarhus  2022

[日常のあわい/Somewhere Between the Odd and the Ordinary]

金沢21世紀美術館、石川 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Ishikawa, Japan 2021

[Tokyo Contemporary Art Award 2019-2021 Exhibition]

東京都現代美術館、東京 Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 2021

[次元の衝突点/Collision point on dimensions]

The 5th Floor、東京 The 5th Floor, Tokyo, Japan 2021


ヴェネチアビエンナーレ日本館2019 Venice Biennale 2019 Japan pavilion 2019

[漂泊之碑/Floating Monuments]

有隣荘/大原美術館 Yurinsou, Ohara museum of art 2019

[高松コンテンポラリーアート・アニュアルvol.07/Takamatsu Contemporary Art Annual 07]

高松市美術館、香川 Takamatsu Art Museum, Kagawa, Japan 2018

[風景に耳を澄ますこと/Open yourself to the landscape]

黒部市美術館、富山 Kurobe City Art Museum, Toyama, Japan 2016

[ははのふた|14歳と凹と凸/Mother’s Covers|14 Years Old’s 凹 and 凸]

豊田市美術館[図書館]、愛知 Toyota Municipal Museum of Art [Library] Aichi, Japan 2015-2016

[Re-Fort Project 6 海を眺める方法/How look over the sea]

florist gallery N、名古屋 florist gallery N, Nagoya, Japan 2015