
[ Dusk/Dawn ]



I was looking at the sun setting over the horizon on the beach in some town.
Shadow slowly surrounded me and soon I was in total darkness.
I was thinking about the place where the new morning just come.


[ Dusk/Dawn Tsunagi/Chicago ] 2013

日本 熊本県葦北郡津奈木町(夕暮れ・2013年7月21日19:00-19:24)
アメリカ合衆国シカゴ州(夜明け・2013年7月21日 05:00-05:24)

Tsunagi Japan [Dusk, 19:00-19:24 Jul, 21, 2013]
Chicago USA [Dawn, 05:00-05:24 Jul, 21, 2013]
at 30-second intervals


[ Dusk/Dawn Thira/Siem Reap ] 2011

ギリシャ ティラ島(夕暮れ・2008年)
カンボジア王国 シュムリアップ(夜明け・2010年)
Thira Greece [Dusk, 2008]
Siem Reap Cambodia [Dawn, 2010]


This series began during a trip to Greece in 2008, when I photographed people on the island of Thio as the sun set over the sea. The negatives from that shoot were left unprinted, and when I printed them in 2010, I reconnected with the sensation of that day. Later, in search of morning landscapes, he traveled to Thailand and Cambodia, photographing people illuminated by the sunrise, and in January 2011, this series was completed by a chance encounter with a good friend of his to create an exhibition for the opening of a gallery.
Later, in 2013, I saw the sunset over the ocean in that city on a commission work for the Tsunagi Museum of Art in Kyushu, and decided to go see the city I was seeing as a sunrise on the other side of the globe when I was watching the sunset in this city. I looked it up and found that July was Chicago. I took pictures of the sunset and dawn scenes of the connected city and Chicago. At the same time, I made a book of photographs by taking fixed shots of only the sky at 30-second intervals.

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