
[ 日曜画家/Sunday Painter ]

2006 – 2010


My grabdfather traveled and painted a lot.
I made a trip after his paintings.




My pub is visited by many people.
for example, policemen, firemen, and many important people of my town.
Whenthey drink, they become common folk.
Then they look like my children, they are youthful and sweet.
Many visitors asked me “Who painted this picture?”.
Then I answer “My friend painted it”< because I hadn’t met him.
Next, VIsitors often asked me “Where is the land scape in this picture?”.
I dodge this question “Maybe… this is not Japan”, becouse Ididn’t know about it.
I don’t know any this picture, hahaha…
Now I remember, often the direcotor of town office came to my pub.
One day hetook the other picture that i had prior to this one.
He said “I want this picture, because it’s drown our town!”.
Now That picture is displayed at his office.
I wanted to meet your grandfather just once…
because people say “He was such a gentlemen”.



A husband of his wife’s sister

Let’s see… I got this painting when I moved from Osaka, so that makes it like 20 years by now that we have it in the entrance.
Don’t you think it is kind of unusual to paint the backside of Todaiji-temple?
Back in those days when I was still living in Osaka, I visited Todaiji-temple, and found that a view from backside hill was great.
When I told him about it, he said “Then, I will go see it,” and came back and painted it right after.
He went around many places with his motorcycle in those days.


His daughter

We found a lot of his paintings on the shelf and in the storage when we pulled down my father’s studio.
I took many of them to our home, and also sent the good ones to his relatives and friends.
But you know, there were so many…so I needed to make a decision to throw some of them that had nowhere to go…
I still regret that.
Even though I keep giving it away to people, I guess we still have lots of them at home. Maybe around 15 or so?
I think I’d like to keep enough to change the paintings in each room in every season.


おじさんとはもう長いこと会ってなかったけど、テレビ見ていて「アタックチャンス」の児玉清を見る度に、今でも主人とおじさんのことを思い出すんです。 少し似てない?

The elder sister of his son-in-law

I haven’t seen my uncle for long time, but every time I watch the TV quiz show ‘ATTACK CHANCE’ and see the actor Kiyoshi Kodama, I remember both my husband and him. Don’t you think they look similar?
I saw his paintings at his solo exhibitions, and every year he sent me a new years card which was a woodcut print. So I’ve wanted to own one of his work one day. When he passed away, his house was going to put down, and then, Somebody told me that there are a lot of paintings left in the house. So I went there and picked up some for myself.
This blue seaside oil painting is my favourite one and that’s why I hang in the doorway. I immediately thought “Yes, this should be at the entrance!” when I got it. There was a fake copy of Monét’s ‘Water lilies’ before that.



His neighbour

Well, I met Mr. Fujikawa at a town meeting.
He was a quite an old man. In one of the town meetings some old folk cried out, “We need more funding!”, he yelled back at him, “Can’t you afford even your spending money, huh?”, and everybody applauded. I thought he was so cool, and caurht him on the way home and we walked back to the neighbourhood together. Sure, you could say that I flirted with him.
You know, it was your mother who gave this painting to me.
I think the colour is good, and it really shows how Nara is like. I think it would look better in a better room, but there is no such space in my house. I should rebuild this house, perhaps.
But if it’s hung here, it’s good. I can see it at any time because I spend lots of time in the kitchen every day.


 国内に遺る戦争遺跡や旧占領地に建てられた鳥居を追跡調査してつくった他の作品に比べると、私的な性質が際立つ本作《日曜画家/Sunday Painter》は、日曜画家だった祖父の遺した油彩を下道本人が訪ねつくった、写真とお手製の本からなるシリーズ作品だ。
 祖父の絵を追うという自ら定めたルールにそって、下道が人びとを訪ね、彼/彼女らの記憶を収集し編集した《日曜画家/Sunday Painter》は、「かたち」を与えられた記憶を通じて、どこか懐かしい身近な物語を見る者に伝える。すると、似たような想い出が鑑賞者の内奥からも呼び出され、それに付随する逸話が浮かび上がってきはしないだろうか。もしそうだとすれば、自らの「記憶」という名の「物語」に耳を傾けてみるのも一興だ。


“Memories transformed into stories”

Shitamichi Motoyuki, who wanted to become an archeologist when he was young, has now become a camera-toting artist. The things that captured his interest as a boy, however, seem not to have changed much. Shitamichi visits places where trace of specific histories and memories remain, in forms that are both tangible and intangible. He interviews the people associated with a particular place or object, collecting information about their memories and recording the results of his research in the form of photographs, occasionally presenting his own thoughts and musings on these topics as part of his work. the subject of his research ranges from social themes to individual anecdotes, but what all of Shitamichi’s work shares in common is its field study approach: first-hand investigations that consist in verifying facts using his own senses, and making direct contact with the memories that lie embedded in places and objects.
 Compared with other works that emerged as a result of follow-up investigations of war ruins in Japan and torii gates (typically found at the entrance to Shinto shrines) in Japan’s former territories, “Sunday Painter” has a conspicuously personal tone to it. Comprising several photos and a handmade book, this series was created after several visits spent tracking down some oil painting left behind by his grandfather, an amateur artist.
Curiously enough, however, although the subjects of these photos are the works left behind by his grandfather, their focus is not always on the paintings. In some of photos, the paintings are removed from the center of the composition, and others are even somewhat unfocused. The photographer’s gaze appears to be trained not so much on paintings, but rather on their current owners and the rooms that reveal something about their lives. In other words, what Shitamichi captures in this work through his photographs is the things and people that surround these paitings.
The book that accompanies the photographs, on the other hand, focuses on the rich variety of memories related to Shitamichi’s grandfather that were told to him by the recipients of the paintings. Transcribed into stories written in a colloquial style, the recounted memories retain the accent, tone of voice and expressions unique to each person. Shitamichi’s style of writing, which makes use of the distinctive voice of each speaker, gives the reader the impression that this is a faithful rendering of the material that was collected during his research. What we see, however, is nothing but a selective part of what was actually recounted to the artist. Just as memory is often said to be edited, elements with any truth to them become unconsciously exaggerated, while other parts are completely forgotten about. The memories recounted by the owners of the paintings in the work, as it turns out, are no exception. To put it another way, this book is a kind of “story” based on dramatized truths, recounted in the form in the form of “memories” that Shitaimichi father edited and polished.
History and memory are often transformed by human subjectivity without us ever being aware of it. Shitamichi’s gaze is trained not on the tangible remnants or concrete traces left behind by history, but rather the things that undergo a metamorphosis, losing the contours of their from and becoming only a vague recollection in our subconscious. One of the things that he has done through this work is to restore a semblance of from to memories that have been shifted or distorted in the interval between the past and the present and become misshapen, so to speak. In so doing, Shitamichi teases out anecdotes whose faint traces still remain in the minds of these individuals, and reworks them into stories.
For “Sunday Painter,” Shitamichi set himself the task of tracking down his grandfather’s painting. by paying visits to the owners of the paintings to collect their memories, he transformed them into his own work through the act of editing. These recollections, which have recovered some sort of “shape” thanks to Shitamichi, recount to the viewer stories that are somehow nostalgic and familiar. Similar memories are evoked in the deepest recesses of the viewer’s mind-and along with them, perhaps the anecdotes attached to those memories will also start to rise to the surface. If they do, perhaps the viewer will find his/her own joy in listening to the stories that their own so-called memories have been transformed into.

Yuu Takehisa (curetor, Contemporary Art Center, Art Tower Mito)

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